Biology – Survival of an Organism
Year 11 Biology Investigations
In Term 2 our Year 11 Biology class commenced their independent investigations. As part of their Outcome 3, students must design and undertake an investigation related to the survival of an organism. Students investigated the small crustacean, Daphnia, commonly referred to as a water flea. When viewed under the microscope their bodies are transparent, allowing students to view the heart and count the heart beats.
Exploring how Daphnia respond to different conditions, students observed the change in their heart rate. Students designed their experiments being cognisant and responsible of the ethical considerations of working with a living organism. The investigation allowed students to utilise the skills and knowledge learnt across Semester 1 into action, and as Daphnia are fast, wriggling little organisms it also tested perseverance and problem-solving, getting the crustaceans to lie still long enough to count their heart beats.
Claire Stanner |Science and Biology Teacher